Martin is also a photographer and I have known him for quite some time as we had been in touch with each another on LinkedIn. Before Covid started I went to a business event and Martin took photos there. I told him that I'm also a photographer and when he introduced himself to me I was really surprised; I hadn’t recognised him as he had long hair then! I was really happy to finally meet Martin and we talked about getting together for a joint photo shoot as he really needed to update his photos to more current ones.
It took a while to arrange because of lockdown, but eventually we managed to book a time for a session. Martin came to my studio on the designated day and we had a great time together. It's fun to photograph a photographer and to be photographed at the same time!
I took pictures of him in the studio in different poses, as you can see, with and without his camera. The weather was really nice so we went outside to take more photos. It was shortly after we had moved to my new house so it was good opportunity for me to get to know my area better and find good places for pictures.
One of the funniest thing was when I photographed Martin in the street, the hairdresser from the nearby shop jumped and danced in the photo... We all had a good laugh – you can see in the picture how he got himself some free advertising!
I discovered an interesting wall near my house where each stone has a word and all together they make a story. We used this as a backdrop for some of the pictures.
Generally I try to come back home on a different route whenever I go out – whether local or for a walk further afield because that way I am able to discover new interesting features for my photography, and it was one a walk like this that I found the wall with the words on it.
Is there a garden, house or street near you with some interesting architecture? Would you like to use it as the background for your new pictures? Give me a call and together we can discover how to find the best places for all your pictures.