I was hired to photograph a very long table that a client is selling. The warehouse space was narrow, so this was the best area to position the table. The client wanted to show chairs around the table so potential buyers can see how many people can sit at it.

He only had enough chairs for one side and in different colours, which was fine with me. I took a photo of the chairs along one side. Then, without moving the camera, they moved all the chairs to the other side and I took another picture. Now I combined these 2 photos in Photoshop to make it look like the table is surrounded by chairs on both sides.

Photo 1: Table with chairs on one side
Photo 2: Chairs moved to the other side
Photo 3: Combined photos 1 and 2 so the table appears full of chairs
Photo 4: Removed background and made all chairs light brown
Photo 5: Changed chairs and table colour to dark brown

The goal is to showcase the table for sale in the best way possible, even though there weren't enough matching chairs. With some Photoshop magic, I can create professional product photos to help this client market their products online.

Let me know if you need professional photography to make your products shine! I'm here to help showcase goods in the most appealing way. Call today 07757695599.