Ilana is a dentist and wanted to have good photos to promote her personal branding.

If you are in business, for example, if you are a dentist, there are tons of dentists around that also offer good quality, good service, good payment plans etc.
What makes you unique and special? Why should customers come especially to you?
The answer is very simple, this is YOU!

There is no one else in this world that can compare to you as a person!
All your uniqueness, your own personality, your own energy level, your own charisma... your smile, your attitude and this is really what attracts your potential customers.

In our world, when we as business promote our business online with
websites, social media etc and also in printed magazines, we have to remember that this what makes us stand out in the crowd. If our photos can show our personality, they are much more likely to attract more clients.

Let's go back to Ilana. Many people know Ilana and her devotion to her dental patients and are very satisfied with her job and the results they are getting.

Now what about potential clients that don’t know Ilana personally? They are looking for a dentist, and with so many dentists around, many people will contact her based on her personality

Now when Ilana posts a blog post, or a post on social media, she can add her photo so people get to know here better. As the old saying goes; people need to know you, love you and trust you, then they will buy from you. If you have a business, you want to shout out about the problems you solve for your clients, you want to be authentic and to let people connect you on a personal level.

Ilana is very busy during the week so we booked the session for early Friday morning. First Lea, the makeup artist, came to apply beautiful makeup for Ilana then I arrived to take her pictures.
We started to take photos in Ilana’s room; meanwhile she was explaining to me all about the new technology that they use to give their clients the best dental results. Afterwards we went outside to take some photos outside the practice. It was freezing cold!!

Then we drove to my studio where we took some studio portraits and after we were done we went next door to Brackmans for a coffee, but there was a very long queue (Brackman’s on a Friday morning!) and Ilana was in a rush so we just took few photos there.

It was so nice working with Ilana, She is so easy going and we had such an amazing time creating these wonderful photos.

And of course here are the Q& A that Ilana answered for me, and this lovely review on LinkedIn which she wrote.
I am so delighted with the experience Tova has given me! This is the first time ever I actually liked a photo of myself! She is super talented and a very warm and kind person to deal with. She is also so much more than a photographer! She has helped me so much with putting a face on my business. I would highly recommend her to everyone in fact I want to shout about it!!!

1. What problem does your business solve?
We solve the problem of looking after teeth and gums for all the family, as well as preventing tooth problems, we are a one-stop dental shop!
2. What was your mission at the start of your company?
My mission was to look after people’s teeth in a kind and caring environment, taking into account dental phobia, cost and other barriers to dental care.

3. Who is your hero?
My father was my hero! He was also a dentist and had a wonderful relationship with his patients, looking after them in a kind and caring way with high-quality work. I would like to think he passed on to me his passion for dentistry and caring for others. My daughter has almost qualified as a dentist which is also exciting.

4. What motivates you to work hard?
I am quite devoted to my dental practice and patients, often seeing emergency patients out of hours, but have recently taken steps to improve my work-life balance!
5. What is your favourite thing about your career?
I love helping people and this motivates me and enables me to work long hours and still enjoy it
6. What is your favourite thing about your career?
I love that dentistry requires many skills like being artistic and scientific and not knowing what situations will come through the door. I then have to think of solutions to problems very quickly and it’s challenging but rewarding.
7. What is one thing you will never do again?
I wouldn’t change a thing, except maybe have more sites so I can help more people
8. Where do you see yourself in 10 years?
Hopefully, in 10 years I’ll have sorted the work-life balance and spend more time with my 4 children and perhaps grandchildren but I won’t be giving up the teeth any time soon!
9. How do you define success?
Success is doing what you enjoy and being challenged so you feel fulfilled every day. It’s also the strength of relationships with family and friends
10. What would you say are the top three skills needed to be a successful entrepreneur?
I think people skills come first, second and third!
11. If you had a magic stick, which are the three things you would change in the world?
End poverty, end war and create peace
12. What is the part of your life experience you would alter if you had the chance to?
Nothing! It is all a learning curve and I deal with the bad along with the good
13. If you were to write a book about yourself, how would you name it?
The Dentist with ‘ants in her pants’ !