Don’t you just love flowers? I do.
I was in for a real treat when Devorah scheduled a product photography shoot with me, because she brought the most beautiful flower arrangements to my studio for me to photograph. It was worth it for the smell alone! And the colours were fabulous!

Devorah is opening a new flower business and she wanted to take pictures to be able to showcase and advertise her new business, just in time for Shavuos.
(Shavuos commemorates the giving of the Torah to the Jewish people on Mount Sinai. We have the custom to decorate our houses and synagogues with flowers, to remember how the mountain miraculously became covered with flowers in honour of the Giving of the Law.)

Devorah’s flower arrangements are so beautiful; they range from classic to modern, with each piece having her signature unique style.

If you fancy pampering yourself, or sending a beautiful gift to your loved ones, please contact Devorah directly on 07528868222

Do you have an original product which you would like to advertise? I would love to help you showcase your products in the best possible way. Just give me a call: 07757695599