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Bed Photography

As you know I do Product Photography from time to time.

I offer my clients two options, either they can come to my studio and bring their products and then I photograph them, or if the items are too big, or too many, I am happy to go to the client to take the pictures. Here my client is selling very high quality beds and he asked me to come to his factory to photograph them. Usually I am very careful to make sure the background of the pictures is clear, but obviously I couldn’t in this case so as you can see, I have taken the pictures and then photo-shopped them to remove the background. It was really cool to photograph the beds from as many different angles as possible and then I enjoyed editing them on my computer to make the picture really clear.

My client was very happy with how well the pictures came out and he was able to use them straight away in his advertising.

What do you sell? I can help you sell it even better by providing you with really clear pictures for your printed or online catalogue. Call today: 07757695599

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